Monday, February 21, 2011

Phase 2, Day 27

I have been thrilled with how much weight I have been losing. Today I am down 2 lbs! I have been averaging around .8 lbs a day, so to have more than double that in one day is exciting. I also have been able to fit into clothes I haven't worn since shortly after my first child was born five years ago.

Still no cheats, which is why I am continuing to lose so well, I'm sure. It has been hard to not cheat on same days more than others, but I really don't want to risk not losing anything for a few seconds of food that really won't satisfy me anyway. Why bother? I start phase 3 soon enough. At that point, I will be adding in dairy, fats, and nuts.

Today's loss: -2 lbs. Total loss: -28.2 lbs

I took measurements on Sunday. This week's measurements results:
waist: -1" (total -5")
hips: -1" (total -4.5")
chest: stayed the same (total -3")
thigh: -1 (total -2")
arm: stayed the same (total -2")


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