Monday, January 31, 2011

Phase 2, Day 7

Today, when I stepped on the scale, I was very pleased to see my weight continue to go down. I had only gone down .3 lbs between days 5 and 6. I know why there was the small loss, and no, I did not cheat. I am down another 1.6 lbs between yesterday and today, which brings me down a total of 11 lbs from day 1 of phase 1.

I took measurements on Sunday. Since I am doing them myself, they aren't completely accurate, I'm sure. I am down a total of 9.5 inches. I have gone down an inch in each thigh, an inch in each arm, 2.5 inches in my chest (which really is always the first to go when I lose weight), 1.5 inches in my waist, and 1.5 inches in my hips.

As far as the protocol goes, I am pleased to say I have not strayed. This surprises me, because I really have never had self control when it comes to food. I am finding myself not hungry after a meal. I don't crave the same things I used to. I still have the mentality of "I want" sometimes, but I am learning that it really is just psychological. I just have to remind myself that no, I really don't want it, and I'm fine.

I was on a support forum, and someone had a saying in their signature that I really liked:

Dieting is hard. Being fat is hard. Pick your hard.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Phase 2, Day 5

I am down another 1.1 lbs today. That brings the total to 9.1 lbs lost. Tomorrow I will take measurements and see how big of a difference it is. I have had to take my belt in a notch, which was exciting.

It has been slowly getting easier. I think one thing that makes it easy is that I have 3 young children who love eating the fastest foods to prepare (tacos, burritos, chicken, etc). I don't have to worry about feeding my husband right now because he is out of town for a few months. That is part of the reason I chose to do this diet now. I thought it would be easiest for me to prepare my own meal separate from my kids and not having to worry about making something nice for my husband. I am THAT wife. When my husband comes home from work, there is a homemade dinner ready on the table for him. I like to do that for him, and I love to cook, so it's really a win-win. Once I am done with phase 3, our meal choices will just be more healthy.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Phase 2, Day 3

Last night was difficult for me. I had to make cookies for my husband's work. I was very proud of myself, though. I didn't eat any. It did take a lot of willpower, though. I am addicted to cookies.

Today was not difficult. I had a lot of running around to do, so it helped that I wasn't just sitting at home with my kids.

I am down an additional 2.6 lbs today. Total loss: 6 lbs.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Phase 2, Day 2

Yesterday was fairly easy. I was surprised at how much energy I had. I took all of the recommended vitamins (a whole food vitamin, a multi-vitamin liquid solution, and the sub-lingual B12), which probably helped with that. I also haven't gotten hungry at all.

One concern I have had regarding this diet is headaches. I have had migraines for years. I have been to neurologists and I am just one of those people who gets migraines with no reason. I have several triggers that I am aware of - one of the main ones being not eating. I was very concerned that being on the VLCD would cause me to have migraines. So far, that is not the case. I had a slight headache last night, but I was expecting a bigger headache.

I am down a total of 3.4 lbs. I am hoping that once I get more into phase 2, I will lose a little more quickly.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Phase 1 day 2

Today was day two of phase one. Everything I read said that during the load phase (yesterday and today) I could gain a few pounds. I am already down 1 lb since yesterday.

I am worried that tomorrow will be more difficult than I am prepared for...Stay tuned.