Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Phase 2, Day 2

Yesterday was fairly easy. I was surprised at how much energy I had. I took all of the recommended vitamins (a whole food vitamin, a multi-vitamin liquid solution, and the sub-lingual B12), which probably helped with that. I also haven't gotten hungry at all.

One concern I have had regarding this diet is headaches. I have had migraines for years. I have been to neurologists and I am just one of those people who gets migraines with no reason. I have several triggers that I am aware of - one of the main ones being not eating. I was very concerned that being on the VLCD would cause me to have migraines. So far, that is not the case. I had a slight headache last night, but I was expecting a bigger headache.

I am down a total of 3.4 lbs. I am hoping that once I get more into phase 2, I will lose a little more quickly.


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