Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Phase 3, Day 7

I had to do a steak day on Monday. A steak day is when you don't eat anything all day (but drink lots of water) and then at dinner-time, eat a very large steak and either a raw tomato or an apple.

I ate something that had sugar in it without realizing it over the weekend. Oops! There are too many sneaky names that sugar can go by! Here are some of them.

barley malt
beet sugar
brown sugar
buttered syrup
cane-juice crystals
cane sugar
carob syrup
corn syrup
corn syrup solids
date sugar
diastatic malt
ethyl maltol
fruit juice
fruit juice concentrate
glucose solids
golden sugar
golden syrup
grape sugar
high-fructose corn syrup
invert sugar
malt syrup
raw sugar
refiner's syrup
sorghum syrup
turbinado sugar
yellow sugar

So I was at 3.4 lbs above LDW. I dropped 1.2 lbs from doing the steak day and then I did a high protein day yesterday and that brought me down the rest of the way. A high protein day is where you eat high protein foods every 2-3 hours throughout the day. Nothing else.

Today I am .2 lbs above LDW.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Phase 3, Day 3

So far, so good! I added cheese/dairy back on day 1 with no weight side effects! I have now had cheese, milk, Greek yogurt and cream. Today, I added nuts. I know that technically, I was supposed to wait until tomorrow to add the nuts. We'll see how things go.

Let me talk for a minute about sweeteners. I hate them. I have had severe migraines caused by aspartame for as long as I can remember. I also think that they all have a nasty after taste. I was advised to try xylitol. I have been pleasantly surprised! It does not have that bitter after taste that I always run into. So, I recommend xylitol as a sweetener. I get mine at the local health food store.

Current weight: +0.4 from LDW.