Saturday, March 5, 2011

Phase 3, Day 3

So far, so good! I added cheese/dairy back on day 1 with no weight side effects! I have now had cheese, milk, Greek yogurt and cream. Today, I added nuts. I know that technically, I was supposed to wait until tomorrow to add the nuts. We'll see how things go.

Let me talk for a minute about sweeteners. I hate them. I have had severe migraines caused by aspartame for as long as I can remember. I also think that they all have a nasty after taste. I was advised to try xylitol. I have been pleasantly surprised! It does not have that bitter after taste that I always run into. So, I recommend xylitol as a sweetener. I get mine at the local health food store.

Current weight: +0.4 from LDW.


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